Lots of anger being dealt with in my practice lately. Here’s the thing about anger.

It’s the gateway to power.

It’s creativity.

It’s your life force.

Repressing anger looks like stifling yourself and shoving it down, yes. We are all familiar with that feeling. BUT. Repressing anger can also look like unleashing it. Someone who is screaming and ranting is in fact, also repressing their anger.

Truly accepting the parts of you that are furious empowers you. It sets you free! When you free that anger up you get access to all that power. Because when it is repressed it stops us. It’s designed to move us forward. You’re trying to GO but it’s pushing back.


The key here is that the part of you thats angry is just a part. Can you accept it? Can you be curious about it? What does it need you to do/acknowledge/respect?

Anger needs a re-brand. A re-framing. It’s a healthy emotion and it has a lot to teach you about yourself, what you prefer, where your boundaries are, and what you want to create in your life. I have a lot of tools to help with this but the key thing to remember if you are trying to manage anger on your own is to remember that you are not the victim/hero/villain or martyr the anger may be trying to sell you on. ;)

If anger is showing up in your life or in your body (chronic neck/shoulder pain? Tension in the body?) it may be time for you to learn how to go towards it rather than away. Turn off that thinking mind and let the body process it. Feel it. Ask it what it needs. There’s an incredible amount of untapped power that wants to be used for your best good and no one has to get hurt - including you!

Be curious. Ignore the stories and remember that your body IS the subconscious mind. Let the anger move. Focus on it. Accept it. How is is for you? Let it move you. I’ve had clients make major breakthroughs this way. Once the anger is given the respect its demanding of you, it releases you and all that power is now yours. Now you get to choose the next right action for you from a place of clarity and confidence instead of anger.

The positive return on your life that these new choices will have over ones you would have made previously is immeasurable.


Becoming unfuckwithable


“It gets to be fun?!”