“It gets to be fun?!”

Last night I ran into a man I hadn’t seen in years and as we caught up he became really excited to hear what I’m doing now and booked a session on the spot because as he stated, he was ‘hitting the same wall over and over in his business’. He owns his own company, has a beautiful family and a good relationship with them, and his employees love him - he has a team made up of people who have been with his company for many years. Yet, every time he looks to scale-up the business he hits this wall of doubt and second-guesses everything until he basically sabotages deals and then gets furious with himself for it. It’s created a cycle of inner turmoil in him. We had our session this morning and I helped him identify what was really going on subconsciously for him and helped him re-frame it. Suddenly a huge weight lifted off of him and before you know it he started to examine all sorts of lofty goals and pathways he could take the company toward which will undoubtedly 10x his revenue.

I tell you this story to say that while I loved being a consultant and producer for the business world, what I do now is simply more effective. It should be prioritized over all the strategies and skill-building etc. Not that those things aren’t vital because of course they are, BUT this client was just such a perfect example of what clearing up limiting subconscious beliefs can do. It opens up possibility for expansion and quickly creates clarity of purpose. The focus is sharpened and the field is widened. Leaders especially for the most part already know what they need to do to succeed and once we cleared up where he was blocked, suddenly the path forward went from scary to exciting. Now his ideas are flowing and he told me he is excited to go into work on Monday and infuse the company with this new energy. Because now he can feel it and see it. The beautiful part to me is how excited he is to improve the company culture and make it more FUN. Even more, I know the work we did together today will have a positive ripple effect on his team and their long-term success. It’s like magic!




Timeline Therapy