My Story

I’m so happy to be saying this…my hardest times are behind me. I’m so relieved that my story has a happy ending. I get to say with confidence that anything life throws at me now, I am equipped to face it with acceptance and self-love. No matter what goes down circumstantially, I’m ready. That was so very, very much not the case in my recent past, in fact, I almost didn’t survive it all. Just before the pandemic I experienced what I have come to think of as a tsunami of traumas. All the hard things in life seemed to happen all at once, plus a handful more sprinkled on top for good measure. I entered what I can only described as a chronic fight or flight mode for years. My nervous systems were trashed, I became an alcoholic, doctors were prescribing all kinds of pills, I was suicidal, had one very severe nervous breakdown, many other smaller ones….then came the covid of it all. So, to put it mildly, I was not coping. I went to therapy. I took the pills. I quit drinking. I did more therapy. Then I did some different therapies. I think I’ve done all the therapies at this point. Some made me worse, some briefly better, some better for longer. Finally I was doing okay. I was ready to go back to work. I had been a producer and consultant for small businesses and creatives mostly so I half-heartedly figured I would start that up again. Then one day my chiropractor recommended I reach out to the man who changed my life and is now my coach and teacher in the work I do today. This work that feels like a calling to me now. (A sentence I would NEVER have said about myself previously…no part of me ever felt ‘enough’ in the past.) Now I get to experience and utilize my value each day and with each client. I am beyond grateful that I get to do this work and be fully present with people as they release long-held pains and limiting beliefs too. To see them find self-love, joy, energy, and compassion is my greatest and most surprising reward to staying here and moving with the flow of life.


Timeline Therapy


Sun Chaser