coaching / belief work / Rapid Neurosomatic Alignment



1:1 in-person coaching

Connecting in person just hits different. For the summer I’m offering walking sessions too. We can meet up at your favorite park (weather permitting) and have a session.

online sessions

Work with me from anywhere in the world!


Check back in the fall!

Rapid neurosomatic alignment / belief work/ coaching

What do you want to create?

The power of focusing on what you want to create in your life is essential. Neural network science shows us via the reticular activation system that we literally create our own realities. Ever shopped for a car? Did you suddenly begin seeing that same car everywhere you look? The same principle applies to our lives. In many ways, what you are looking for, you find. On a deeper level, what you subconsciously believe to be true about yourself and the world at large can be your greatest asset or most difficult roadblock. I can help you make the subconscious conscious and clear out any old limiting beliefs that may be standing between you and what you want to create in your life. I have completely transformed my own experience of life this way and the inner peace and calm it has brought to my life is immeasurable.